I’m sharing another Audible book review today for the book “Rich Bitch: A Simple 12-Step Plan for Getting Your Financial Life Together” by Nicole Lapin. I first became aware of this book when I heard Nicole Lapin speak on a podcast (one of my favorite boss babe podcasts, see >>here<<).
My initial intrigue is that this book talked about personal finances. In the past personal finance has been a challenge. However, in the past five years have started to become savvier on the subject. So when I heard that Nicole talked about finances in a way that is easy to understand, I instantly found “Rich Bitch” on Audible and started listening.

The Book Review
The Book
If you’re looking for the simple ABC’s of personal finances, this book has it all. I’m not sure this is the type of book that I could spoil, but I’ll try my best to outline it without giving it away.
To start, Nicole discusses her relationship with money and finances before she became an expert. Then it goes into understanding your relationship and creating your financial goals. These goals are not just your fundamental goals, but breaking them down.
The next step is how to create a budget that fits your lifestyle. Nicole breaks down each area of life and how much to save for them. Most financial people will tell you to give up your daily lattes, but she disagrees. She advises adding them to your budget.
Nicole goes into savings, checking accounts, assets, and liability. She EVEN talks about health insurance, which I’ve never heard any financial person discuss. There are a couple of chapters that I thought were extremely important; paying off debt and saving for retirement. Those two particular topics are either an extreme struggle for most of us or just an afterthought.
The Narration
The author, Nicole Lapin, narrated this book. I’m always a fan when the author is the one who shares the audible book. I think it’s because it makes it more personal. Overall, the narration was decent. Nicole is a news anchor, so you could say that talking is her job.
The Review
I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to get out of financial debt or those looking to find ways to improve their finances. The main reason why I like this book, besides the subject, is that Nicole takes this incredibly complex topic and makes it easy to understand. She also makes talking about finances, relatable, and engaging.
No matter where you are in life, this book has something for you. My only critique is there are some dated pieces, not on finance, but when she gives time references. If you’re interested in learning more about the subject of money or the author, you can check out her website >>here<<.

Closing Statement
Before finishing this book, I had already bought a hard copy for my friend and sent it to her. I wish that I had read this book years ago in my early 20s. Nicole Lapin wrote a few more books, which I added to my reading list (here and here), so be expecting to see them in a future book review.
If you’re interested in more book reviews, you can find them >>here<<.
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