If you were to Google the term “introvert,” you would see the definition as “a shy, reticent person.” However, being “shy” is not the actual meaning of being an introvert. An introvert can be social and outgoing; however, they need their “me” time to recharge. The opposite of an introvert is an extrovert who will recharge their energy in groups of people.
I am an introvert. Yes, me, the one who writes blog articles weekly, posts on social media daily, and who you will often find posing in the streets for photo shoots. I love going out with my friends, meeting new people, and trying new things. Not typically the actions of an introvert. Even though all of the above is true, I still need my “me” time. I still need that time to myself to think and to breathe. There are times when I prefer to stay in on a Friday or Saturday night. Mostly because the work week was long and I spend so much time interacting with people that I just need my space.
I wasn’t always as outgoing as I am now. When I was younger and leading into my adult life, I was quite shy. I would say that I came out of my “shyness” when I was in my early to mid 20’s and living in LA. This time in my life was the first time when I was forced to go out and meet friends on my own. Before this point, I was always meeting people who knew people, so it naturally came into place. When I was in LA, however, I didn’t know anyone (aside from my sister).
Just like everyone else, I still need and want that social aspect in my life. Friendships and support systems are essential for a healthy life. Most of my friends today, I would say are extroverts who are constantly being social and going out in groups. Being friends with a large group of extroverts can be difficult because often either they don’t understand why you’re choosing to stay in or you don’t get why they go out all the time. As long as you accept one another for who you are, the friendships will last.
Even today, I struggle with the decision to stay at home or go out with friends. Most of the time I do want to stay home, but I’m always happy when I choose the opposite and socialize with friends. I find that I need a healthy balance of both alone time and being social in my life. This balance is what keeps me from going crazy on either end of the spectrum.
I’m happy with being an introvert and I often call myself a “social introvert” because I like being social. Again, as long as you are keeping a healthy balance of both you will be in a healthy place. I would love to hear what your experiences are being an introvert or an extrovert.
Outfit Details
Missquided sweater | Levis shorts | Steve Madden shoes | H&M tote
This article is not sponsored by any of the brands mentioned above. They are my thoughts and preferences.
Photos by @cristaltapp
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