Are you having issues sleeping? Whether it’s not being able to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night and not falling back asleep, it can be extremely frustrating. You lay there wide awake, your mind racing, but you know that you have to get up in 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours, etc. The time keeps passing by.
There are many different methods and many different pro tips, but some things we find are currently working without having to make drastic changes. We’re all human, so we want to share tips that are easy to implements
Create a Bedtime Routine
Make going to bed a ritual by creating a routine. It worked when you were a kid; why not now? Anyone else remember having to take a bath, brush your teeth, and go to bed by 8 pm (although your older sister’s got to stay up later). When creating a bedtime routine, you want to make sure it’s something that works for you. Creating a habit or ritual of going to bed will allow your brain to ease into the thought of sleeping.
Be Intentional About Screen Time
Some people say don’t look at a screen at least 30 min before you go to bed. And while, yes, that is ideal, that’s not always possible. So instead, be intentional about your screen time. For example, don’t put on a movie or tv show that you know will keep you awake. Any screen time that will trigger your brain to turn on, keep it to a minimum, like scrolling through Instagram, writing a work email, etc.
Switch To Decaf Late Afternoon
As much as I hate to say it, switching from your favorite caffeinated drink to decaf in the afternoon will help you sleep. It may be challenging, especially when that after-lunch slump kicks in, but be strong. Only you know the effects of your caffeine intake, so experiment with when to make the switch to decaf.
Get Physical
Physical movement can increase the odds of you falling asleep faster. Studies have shown that moderate to vigorous exercise improves the quality of sleep and the rate at which you fall asleep. For us at TRC, we say to do any movement. That could be a walk around the block or a 5-mile run, or 15 minutes of stretching. Moving your body each day will help with your sleep and with your overall wellness.
Listen To The Get Sleepy Podcast
We recently just discovered sleep podcasts such as The Get Sleepy Podcast. A lot of times, our brains are racing a million miles an hour as soon as we hit that pillow. The Get Sleepy Podcast is a storytelling podcast that’s sole purpose is to help you get to sleep. The narrators (or storytellers) have calming and meditative voices that tell stories such as “Walking with Ants” and “Liam and the Leprechaun.” It sounds a bit odd, but it really works.
Our Favorite Accessories for Sleeping
Sometimes we need a little assistance with getting to sleep, here are some of our favorites.
Closing Statement
It may take some time for you to know what will work for you, so be patient with yourself. The more irritated and frustrated you get, the more that will keep you up. Let us know what has worked for you?
For more tips on health and wellness, you can find them >>here<<.
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